“Machine learning has come of age. And just in case you might think this is a mere platitude, let me clarify.
The dream that machines would one day be able to learn is as old as computers themselves, perhaps older still. For a long time, however, it remained just that: a dream. True, Rosenblatt’s perceptron did trigger a wave of activity, but in retrospect, the excitement has to be deemed short-lived. As for the attempts that followed, these fared even worse; barely noticed, often ignored, they never made a breakthrough – no software companies, no major follow-up research, and not much support from funding agencies. Machine learning remained an underdog, condemned to live in the shadow of more successful disciplines. The grand ambition lay dormant.”

Miroslav Kubat

An Introduction to Machine (Content 1)
An Introduction to Machine (Content 3)
An Introduction to Machine (Content 2)
An Introduction to Machine (Content 4)

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